Ten Tips for Keeping Your Laptop Secure
Let’s talk about keeping your laptop (or notebook computer) secure. Why is this important? There are a couple of reasons – but in a nutshell laptops are more prone to theft, loss, and damage. Why? Because they are portable, unlike a desktop computer. That means they are much, much more likely to be stolen (like at the airport, cafe, or from your vehicle. They are more prone to be dropped and damaged – because you move them around a lot. Lastly, I can’t say I’ve never lost a computer before – but it’s at least theoretically possible with some of the very small notebook computers available now. Tip #1: You Must Use A Strong Login Password Some computers operating systems, such as MacOS, allow you to have an “automatic login”. And in some cases people pick really weak, easy to guess passwords. Anyone out there using “password”? Yes, people really do that – you know who you are. The problem with this is that your laptop when unattended can easily be accessed by someone else. And from there, they can [Read More…]