ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus + Firewall front
Cyber Security

ZoneAlarm Pro AntiVirus + Firewall

Let’s review the new ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus + Firewall from ZoneAlarm. Though technology comes with so much convenience and benefits, it also comes with costly threats. That is why it is always better to prevent something dangerous from happening than deal with it after it has occurred. Threats like Malware, Emotet, Man in the Middle, Denial of Service, Phishing, SQL Injection, Password Attack, among others, can come anytime. But there are actually ways to prevent them and protect your computers from them. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus + Firewall – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel: Coming soon! ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus + Firewall – Overview Antivirus is a type of software used to block, scan, identify, and delete viruses from a computer, while a Firewall is software that prohibits unauthorized access to a network. It investigates incoming and outgoing traffic using a set of rules to identify and arrest threats. This two software are both featured in [Read More…]

ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall
Cyber Security

ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall

Let’s review the new ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall from ZoneAlarm. A firewall is a security device that can help safeguard your network by screening traffic and preventing outsiders from obtaining illegal access to the private information on your computer. A firewall is a device that can be used to intensify the computer’s safety especially when it is connected to the Internet. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel: Coming soon! ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall – Overview ZoneAlarm has a two-way firewall that prevents Internet attacks at the front door and even catches thieves on their way out. The two-way firewall proactively shields against inbound and outbound strikes while making you undetectable to hackers. The Kill Controls feature immediately disables malicious programs. ZoneAlarm has an advanced firewall that controls operations within your computer to detect and arrest even the most sophisticated new attacks that escape common antivirus and security suites. It also has a Zero-hour [Read More…]

ZoneAlarm Anti Ransomware
Cyber Security

ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware

Let’s review the new ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware from ZoneAlarm. Technology has many benefits and advantages, but it also comes with loads of downsides. Viruses, threats, and hackers can disable programs, destroy files, intrude on your system’s performance, and cause numerous computer crashes, which are all costly. They say prevention is better than cure, and there are actually ways to prevent these hackers from interfering. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware – Overview ZoneAlarm offers different technologies that protect your computer from these viruses, threats, and hackers. ZoneAlarm is a notable company in the area of security as it has a name for its advanced free firewall. Specifically for ransomware, ZoneAlarm has the most advanced technology to keep hackers away from your data. Ransomware is harmful software that poisons your computer and presents messages requiring payment for your system to work again. It has the capability to lock a computer screen or encrypt valuable with a password. ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware is the outcome of years of study and development and gives the best Enterprise-Grade protection against [Read More…]

ZoneAlarm Extreme Security package front
Cyber Security

ZoneAlarm Extreme Security

Let’s review the new ZoneAlarm Extreme Security from ZoneAlarm. Here in 2021, there are more threats than ever to your home computer – viruses, ransomware, hackers, and other malicious attackers put you at the risk of losing your valuable personal data. ZoneAlarm has a legendary suite of products that are both easy to use, elegant, and affordable – let’s look at how ZoneAlarm Extreme Security can help secure your home computer. ZoneAlarm Extreme Security – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel: Coming soon! ZoneAlarm Extreme Security – Overview We can do almost everything online now, from shopping, reservations, to bank transactions. However, this requires us to input our personal information and financial details. It makes most of us susceptible to be victimized by fraud. Hackers are always finding a way to peek through our data. And to avoid this, we need concrete computer security. Its all-inclusive enterprise-level security features are spot on and can protect your digital footprint. These features include Anti-phishing, where websites are scanned [Read More…]

USB cable connecting to a USB port on a laptop computer.
Cyber Security

USB Can Be Dangerous

The USB ports on your computer are dangerous! Did you know that? Maybe not – but let’s go through the potential threats in depth. USB ports have been around for a long time – and just about every computer has them. They can be used for a variety of devices – thumb drives or flash drives, keyboards, mice, web cams, and much, much more. The USB (or Universal Serial Bus) port was a big hit when first introduced. There’s a few reasons for that. The USB port is very versatile. It can provide power to devices – which is great for flash drives and small portable hard drives – or even a mini fan! They can transfer data signals. And they are part of a “bus” -which means they can pass on data from another USB device. USB is very friendly to computer users – but the original designers did not foresee how these devices might be abused by hackers and cyber criminals. USB – Power Surge The ability of a USB port to power small devices is very handy. [Read More…]

Passwords are a pain - but a good password that you don't reuse across services is a security essential.
Cyber Security

Ten Tips for Keeping Your Laptop Secure

Let’s talk about keeping your laptop (or notebook computer) secure. Why is this important? There are a couple of reasons – but in a nutshell laptops are more prone to theft, loss, and damage. Why? Because they are portable, unlike a desktop computer. That means they are much, much more likely to be stolen (like at the airport, cafe, or from your vehicle. They are more prone to be dropped and damaged – because you move them around a lot. Lastly, I can’t say I’ve never lost a computer before – but it’s at least theoretically possible with some of the very small notebook computers available now. Tip #1: You Must Use A Strong Login Password Some computers operating systems, such as MacOS, allow you to have an “automatic login”. And in some cases people pick really weak, easy to guess passwords. Anyone out there using “password”? Yes, people really do that – you know who you are. The problem with this is that your laptop when unattended can easily be accessed by someone else. And from there, they can [Read More…]

Cyber Security for your Home PC
Cyber Security

Cyber Security for your Home PC

In this article we’re going to talk about cyber security essentials for your home PC (or Mac). Unfortunately, there are more threats than ever to your home computer. And this goes double if it’s a shared PC used by multiple family members. We’re going to give you the info on essential best practices and security tips. Tip #1: Use Common Sense The most important security tool is located between your ears – use your brain. You have to think twice before you click a link in a suspicious email – or open a shady website. Everyone with an email inbox is bombarded with phishing emails and other security threats every day – and some of them are very convincing. But, if in doubt – delete it – don’t read it. Here’s an example. The IRS will not contact you via email for any reason – so ignore any sort of emails like that. Tip #2: Use a Malware Scanner Nearly everyone is familiar with anti-virus programs. And quite frankly, Windows 10 has a pretty good anti-virus program built right in [Read More…]